Author: Alfred E. Alston Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Father most holy, merciful, and loving,
Jesus, Redeemer, ever to be worshipped,
life-giving Spirit, Comforter most gracious,
God everlasting;
2 three in a wondrous unity unbroken,
one perfect God-head, love that never faileth,
light of the angels, succor of the needy,
hope of all living;
3 all thy creation serveth its creator;
thee ev'ry creature praiseth without ceasing;
we, too, would sing the psalms of true devotion;
hear, we beseech thee.
4 Lord God almighty, unto thee be glory,
One in three Persons, over all exalted;
thine, as is meet, be honor, praise, and blessing,
now and forever.
Topics: Dévotion Used With Tune: AD TUUM NOMEN Text Sources: O Pater sancte, c. 10th century
Father Most Holy, Merciful, and Loving