Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre #PIIa (1758) First Line: Why do the tribes and nations rage Lyrics: 1 Why do the tribes and nations rage
And form a vain design?
Kings of the earth do set themselves
and princes plotting join,
Against JEHOVAH and his CHRIST,*
with one consent, and say,
3 "Let us asunder break their bands
"and cast their cords away!"
4 But He ho sits in heav'n will laugh,
The Lord will them deride;
5 In anger then to them He'll speak,
in wrath to vex their pride.
6 "See I have set my king upon
"Zion my holy hill,
7 "And the immutable decree
"Proclaim abroad I will."
8 The LORD said, "Thou my SON, this day.
"have I begotten thee!*
"Ask, and the nations* I will give
"thine heritage to be.
9 "And of the earth thou shalt possess
"The utmost coasts abroad;
"Thy foes shalt break as potters ware,
"and crush with iron rod."
10 And now ye kings, be wise; be learn'd
ye who earth's judges are;
11 Serve ye the LORD with reverence,
rejoyce with trembling fear.
12 Kiss ye the SON, lest by his wrath
ye perish in your way:
When once his wrath a little burns,
bless'd all that on him stay.
Scripture: Psalm 2 Languages: English
The Exaltation and universal Reign of CHRIST