Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Publick Worship #CXII (1789) Lyrics: 1 Wherewith shall I approach the Lord,
And bow before his throne?
Oh! how procure his kind regard,
And for my guilt atone?
2 Shall alters flame, and victims bleed,
And spicy fumes ascend?
Will these my earnest wish succeed,
And make my God my friend?
3 Oh! no, my soul, 'twere fruitless all,
Such off'rings are in vain;
No fatlings, from the field or stall,
His favour can obtain.
4 To men their rights I must allow,
And proofs of kindness give;
To God with humble rev'rence bow,
And to his glory live.
5 Hands that are clean, and hearts sincere,
He never will despise;
And cheerful duty he'll prefer
To costly sacrifice. Topics: Faith, Holiness and moral Virtues The acceptable Sacrifice Languages: English
Wherewith shall I approach the Lord