Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXXXVII (1767) Lyrics: 1 When we, our wearied Limbs to rest,
Sat down by proud Euphrates Stream,
We wept, with doleful Thoughts oppress'd,
And Sion was our mournful Theme;
Our Harps, that when with Joy we sung,
Were wont their tuneful Parts to bear,
With silent Strings neglected hung,
On Willow-Tress that wither'd there.
2 Mean while our Foes, who all conspir'd
To triumph in our slavish Wrongs,
Music and Mirth of us requir'd,
"Come, sing us one of Sion's Songs."
How shall we tun our Voice to sing?
Or touch our Harps with skilful Hands?
Shall Hymns of Joy to GOD our King,
Be sung by Slaves in foreign Lands?
3 O Salem, our once happy Seat!
When I of thee forgetful prove,
Let then my trembling Hand forget,
The speaking Strings with Art to move.
If I to mention thee forbear,
Eternal Silence seize my Tongue.
Or if I sing one chearful Aire,
'Till thy Deliv'rance is my Song.
4 Remember, LORD, how Edom's Race,
In thy own City's fatal Day,
Cry'd out, "Her stately Wills deface,
"And with the Ground quite level lay."
Proud Babel's Daughter, doom'd to be
Of Grief and Woe the wretched Prey,
Bless'd is the Man, who shall to thee,
The Wrongs thou laid'st on us, repay.
5 Thrice bless'd, who with just Rage possess'd,
And deaf to all the Parents Moans,
Shall snatch thy Infants from the Breast,
And dash their Heads against the Stones. Topics: Prayers Of the Church for her Deliverance in Persecution; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch; Soul's Desire Of Believers Scripture: Psalm 137 Languages: English Tune Title: [When we, our wearied Limbs to rest]
When we, our wearied Lmbs to rest