Hymnal: The Psalms of David #I.XXVIII (1766) Lyrics: 1 What mighty Man, or mighty God,
Comes travelling in State,
Along the Idumean Road,
away from Bozrah's Gate.
2 The Glory of his Robes proclaim
'Tis some victorious King:
"'Tis I, the Just, th' almighty One,
"That your Salvation bring."
3 Why, mighty Lord, thy Saints enquire,
Why thine Apparel red?
And all thy Vesture stain'd like those,
Who in the Wine-press tread?
4 "I by myself have trod the Press,
"And crush'd my Foes alone;
"My Wrath has struck the Rebels dead,
"My Fury stamp'd them down.
5 "'Tis Edom's Blood that dyes my Robes
"With joyful Scarlet Stains;
"The Triumph that my Raiment wears,
"Sprung from their bleeding Veins.
6 "Thus shall the Nations be destroy'd,
"That dare insult my Saints;
"I have an Arm t' avenge their Wrongs,
"An Ear for their Complaints."
Topics: Triumph of Christ over our Enemies Scripture: Isaiah 63:1-3 Languages: English
What mighty Man, or mighty God