Hymnal: Hymns and Spiritual Songs, in Three Books #III.XXXIX (1793) Lyrics: 1 To him that chose us first,
Before the world began;
To him that bore the curse,
To save rebellious Man;
To Him that form'd
Our hearts anew,
Is endless praise
And glory due.
2 The Father’s love shall run
Thro' our immortal songs;
We bring to God the Son
Hosannas on our tongues:
Our lips address
The Spirit’s name,
With equal praise
And zeal the same.
3 Let ev'ry saint above,
And angel round the throne,
For ever bless and love
The sacred Three in One:
Thus heav'n shall raise
His honours high,
When earth and time
Grow old and die.
Topics: Doxologies Languages: English
To him that chose us first