Hymnal: A New Version of the Psalms of David #CXXXVI (1760) First Line: To God, the mighty Lord Lyrics: 1 To God the mighty Lord,
Your joyful Thanks repeat:
To him due Praise afford,
As good as He is great.
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
2,3 To Him whose wond'rous Pow'r
All other Gods obey,
Whom earthly Kings adore,
This grateful Homage pay.
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
4,5 By his almighty Hand
Amazing Works are wrought;
The Heav'ns by his Command
Were to Perfection brought.
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
6 He spread the Ocean round
About the spacious Land;
And made the rising Ground
Above the Waters stand.
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
7,8,9 Thro' Heav'n He did display
His num'rous Hosts of Light;
The Sun to rule by Day,
The Moon and stars by Night.
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
10,11,12 He struck the First-born dead
Of Egypt's stubborn Land;
And thence his People led
With is resistless Hand.
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
13,14 By him the raging Sea,
As if in Pieces rent,
Disclos'd a middle Way,
Through which his People went.
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
15 Where soon He overthrew
Proud Pharaoh and his Host,
Who daring to pursue,
Were in the Billows lost.
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
16,17,18 Thro' Desarts vast and wild
He led the chosen Seed;
And famous Princes foil'd,
And made great Monarch's bleed,
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
19,20 Sihon, whose potent Hand
Great Ammon's Scepter sway'd;
And Og, whose stern Command
Rich Bashan's Land obey'd.
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
21,22 And of his wond'rous Grace,
Their lands, whom He destroy'd,
He gave to Isr'el's Race,
To be by them enjoy'd,
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
23,24 He, in our Depth of Woes,
On us with Favour thought,
And from our cruel Foes
In Peace and Safety brought,
For God does prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end.
25,26 He does the Food supply,
On which all Creatures live:
To God who reigns on high
Eternal Praises give.
For God will prove
Our constant Friend,
His boundless Love
Shall never end. Scripture: Psalm 136 Languages: English
For God does [doth] prove our constant friend