Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #CCXXXVI (1816) Meter: Lyrics: 1 To bear the cross a few days more,
Will fit us for that happy day:
When all our suff'rings heretofore,
Shall be for ever done away.
2 The virtues strive to serve the Lord,
And seek his blessed will to do;
In yonder world is their reward,
For all their suff'rings here below.
3 Oft times they feel their souls enjoy'd,
When they have heav'nly things in view:
But soon their pleasures are destroy'd;
No joys are perfect here below.
4 We are but men and oft we fail;
What changes in this life take place;
When Satan, world and flesh prevail,
How soon it mars and breaks or peace.
5 With pain and sickness here oppress'd,
And such like evils interpose,
Our minds are griev'd, our hearts distress'd,
When we must war with such like foes.
6 No constant happiness is found,
As long as we on earth abide,
When sin besets us all around,
And we are tried on ev'ry side.
7 Lo here we seek, but there we find,
Where we in glory shall appear,
And perfect peace shall fill the mind,
And banish ev'ry doubt and fear. Topics: Of Heaven and Future Happiness Languages: English
To bear the cross a few days more