1832 - 1926 Person Name: W. T. Moore Author of "Thy kingdom, gracious Lord" in The Brethren Hymnody Moore, William Thomas. (Henry County, Kentucky, August 27, 1832--September 7, 1926, Orland, Florida) Disciple. A "cosmopolitan," he gained denominational fame for his liberal attitude toward the validity of non-immersionist forms of baptism during his tenure at minister of an independent congregation in London. Member of the five-man committee that produced the 1865 Christian Hymn Book (also appointed to a similar committee chosen to make the 1882 Christian Hymnal, Revised, but, being in London, was unable to serve); both books include his "Let every heart and tongue," "Listen to the gospel, telling," "Love of God, all love excelling," "O that I had wings like a dove," and "Thy kingdom, gracious Lord." He was the author of Comprehensive History of the Disciples of Christ (1909).
--George Brandon, DNAH Archives
William T. Moore