Author: T. O. Chisholm Hymnal: Favorites Number 1 #38 (1943) First Line: There was One who came from Heaven Refrain First Line: Do you love Him Lyrics: 1 There was One who came from Heaven,
Came this fallen world to save,
Sparing naught for our redemption,
E'en His very life He gave.
Do you love Him?
Do you love Him?
May this your answer be:
Yes, I love Him,
Yes, I love Him,
Because He first love me.
2 His was love divine and tender,
More than we could think or dream;
His was infinite compassion,
His the sacrifice supreme. [Refrain]
3 On the cruel cross uplifted,
He did all that love could do,
To constrain our hearts to love Him,
How can we but love Him too? [Refrain]
4 Love like that can never fail us,
He will always be our Friend;
Having loved us so, as sinners,
He will love us to the end. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [There was One who came from Heaven]
Do You Love Him?