Author: T. H. Hymnal: Songs of Summerland #187 (1943) First Line: The waters are troubled, the pool is nigh Refrain First Line: The waters are troubled, step in Lyrics: 1 The waters are troubled, the pool is nigh,
The angel of mercy is standing by,
The sick and the dying are pressing in
For healing and cleansing from sin.
The waters are troubled; step in
And you may be first: will you wash and be clean?
The angel is waiting; O cease your debating!
The waters are troubled; step in.
2 So many are near to the pool today,
The multitude throng them and crowd their way;
They see at Bethesda the stricken heal’d,
The arm of the Mighty reveal’d. [Refrain]
3 O come with a broken and contrite heart,
This moment the Healer can life impart,
The waters may never again be stirr’d
Nor footsteps of angels be heard. [Refrain]
4 Salvation is offer’d the world today,
The vilest may wash all his stains away;
This wonderful fountain stands open wide:
Go, plunge in the soul-cleansing tide. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [The waters are troubled, the pool is nigh]
Step In