Hymnal: The Whole Book of Psalms #XXI (1793) Lyrics: 1 The king, O Lord, with songs of praise,
shall in thy strength rejoice;
With thy salvation crown'd shall raise
to Heaven his cheerful voice.
2 For thou, whate'er his Lips request,
not only dost impart;
But hast, with thy acceptance, blest
the wishes of his heart.
3 Thy goodness, and thy tender care
have all his hopes outgone;
A crown of gold thou mad'st him wear,
and sett'st it firmly on.
4 He pray'd for life; and thou, O Lord,
did'st to his prayer attend,
And graciously to him afford
a Life that ne'er shall end.
5 Thy sure defence through nations round
has spread his glorious name;
And his successful actions crown'd
with majesty and fame.
6 Eternal blessings thou bestow'st,
and mak'st his joys increase;
Whilst thou to him, unclouded, show'st
the brightness of thy face.
Part II
7 Because the king on God alone
for timely A=aid relies;
His mercy still supports his throne,
and all his wants supplies.
8 But, righteous Lord, thy stubborn foes
shall feel thy heavy hand;
Thy vengeful arm shall find out those,
that hate thy mild command.
9 When thou against them dost engage,
thy just but dreadful doom
Shall, like a glowing oven's rage,
their hopes and them consume.
10 Nor shall thy furious anger cease,
or with their ruin end;
But root out all their guilty race,
and to their seed extend.
11 For all their thoughts were set on ill,
their hearts on malice bent;
But thou with watchful care didst still
the ill effects prevent.
12 While they their swift retreat shall make
to 'scape thy dreadful might,
Thy swifter arrows shall o'ertake,
and gall them in their flight.
13 Thus, Lord, thy wondrous strength disclose,
and thus exalt thy fame;
Whilst we glad songs of praise compose
to thy Almighty Name. Scripture: Psalm 21 Languages: English
The king, O Lord, with songs of praise