Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P112a (1766) Lyrics: 1 That Man is blest who stands in Awe
Of GOD, and loves his sacred Law,
His Seed on Earth shall be renown'd;
His House the Seat of Wealth shall be,
An inexhausted Treasury,
And with successive Honours crown'd.
2 His lib'ral Favours he extends,
To some he gives, to others lends;
A generous Pity fills his Mind:
Yet what his Charity impairs,
He saves by Prudence in Affairs
And thus he's just to all Mankind.
3 His Hands, while they his Alms bestow'd,
His Glory's future Harvest sow'd;
The sweet Remembrance of the Just,
Like a green Root, revives and bears
A Train of Blessings for his Heirs,
When dying Nature sleeps in Dust.
4 Beset with threat'ning Dangers round,
Unmov'd shall he maintain his Ground;
His Conscience holds his Courage up:
The Soul that's fill'd with Virtue's Light,
Shines brightest in Affliction's Night;
And sees in Darkness Beams of Hope.
5 [Ill Tidings never can surprize
His Heart, that fix'd on GOD relies,
Though Waves and Tempests roar around:
Safe on the Rock he sits, and sees
The Shipwreck of his Enemies,
And all their Hope and Glory drown'd.
6 The Wicked shall his Triumph see,
And gnash their Teeth in Agony,
To find their Expectations crost;
They and their Envy, Pride, and Spite,
Sink down to everlasting Night,
And all their Names in Darkness lost.] Topics: Blessings of a person; Charity and justice; Charity to the poor; Good Works; Liberality rewarded Scripture: Psalm 112 Languages: English
That Man is blest who stands in Awe