Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #554 (1828) Meter: First Line: Shepherd of Israel, thou didst lead Lyrics: 1 Shepherd of Israel, thou didst lead
Thy chosen flock the desert through,
And from between the cherubim
Thy mercy and thy favour show.
2 And though their sins provoked thee oft,
To give them to their foes a prey,
Yet didst thou, for thy mercy sake
As often turn thy wrath away.
3 But, ah! they fill'd the measure up
Of all their aggravated guilt,
When on the hill of Calvary
The blood of thine own Son they spilt.
4 And now for ages they have been
Cast out and banish'd from thy sight,
Wandering through all the earth, as those
In whom thou hast no more delight.
5 Yet is thy word of promise sure,
That they shall be again restor'd,
And with the gentile church unite
To worship and to serve the Lord.
6 Our faith in expectation waits,
To see that glorious morning rise,
O bid the shadows flee away,
And satisfy our longing eyes. Topics: Kingdom and Church of Christ Missionary Hymn; Pleading for the conversion of the Jews
Good shepherd, great shepherd