Hymnal: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P65a (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Praise waits for thee in Zion, Lord:
to thee vows paid shall be.
2 O thou that hearer art of prayer,
all flesh shall come to thee.
3 Iniquities, I must confess,
prevail against me do:
but as for our transgressions all,
them purge away shalt thou.
4 Blessed is the man whom thou dost choose,
and makest approach to thee,
that he within thy courts, O Lord,
may still a dweller be:
we surely shall be satisfied
with thy abundant grace,
And with the goodness of thy house,
even of thy holy place.
5 O God, of our salvation art,
thou, in thy righteousness,
by fearful works unto our prayers
thine answer dost express:
therefore the ends of all the earth,
and those upon the sea
who dwell afar, their confidence,
O Lord, will place in thee.
6 Who, being girt with power, sets fast
by his great strength the hills.
7 Who noise of seas, noise of their waves,
and people’s tumult, stills.
8 Those in the utmost parts that dwell
are at thy signs afraid:
the outgoings of the morn and eve
by thee are joyful made.
Scripture: Psalm 65:1-8 Languages: English Tune Title: ABRIDGE (ST STEPHEN)
Praise waits for thee in Zion, Lord