Author: Anon. Hymnal: Wartburg Hymnal #250 (1918) Lyrics: 1 O kind and gentle Savior,
Who art the children's Friend,
We pray Thee now receive us,
Thy blessing on us send;
Our joys and all our sorrows,
Thou willest we should bring,
And lay them all before Thee,
Our good and gracious King.
2 To Thee of old their children
The people came and brought;
From Thee Thy grace and favor
For little ones they sought;
And Thou didst not forbid them,
For Thou art good and kind;
In Thee a loving Savior
May we, Thy children, find.
3 Let not our ways and doings
Dishonor Thy dear name,
Nor words, nor deeds of evil
Our Christian calling shame.
Grant us Thy grace, that boldly
We may our Lord confess;
While for all gifts Thou givest,
Thy holy name we bless. Topics: Childhood
O kind and gentle Savior