Author: M. D. Sterling Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11651 First Line: O joyful bells of Christmastide Lyrics: 1 O joyful bells of Christmastide,
The dear old story tell,
How long ago a bright new star
In Heav’n was seen, and from afar
The wise men brought to Him they sought
The Child Emmanuel.
O joyful bells of Christmastide,
The dear old story tell.
2 O joyful bells of Christmastide,
Repeat the wondrous tale.
How long ago to shepherds came
An angel choir, and while aflame
With Heav’n’s own light the skies are bright,
The Christ Child’s coming hail.
O joyful bells of Christmastide,
Repeat the wondrous tale.
3 O joyful bells of Christmastide,
Ring out, ring out again,
How long ago a Savior’s birth,
Good will and peace began on earth;
Good will and peace no more to cease,
From Heav’n to sinful men.
O joyful bells of Christmastide,
Ring out, ring out again. Languages: English Tune Title: JOYFUL BELLS
O Joyful Bells of Christmas-Tide