Author: H. Brueckner; Joh. Andr. Rothe Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #131 (1930) Meter: Lyrics: 1 My soul has found the sure foundation,
That holds its anchor evermore;
The wounds of Christ are my salvation,
As planned by God in days of yore;
Unmoved shall this foundation stay,
Though earth and heaven pass away.
2 God would not have one soul to perish,
But wills that we should live for aye;
His Son, whom we as Savior cherish,
Came down to earth our debt to pay;
And now the Lamb for sinners slain
Admission to our hearts would gain.
3 O Fount of love and mercies tender,
By Jesus' blood, for sinners spilt,
My wounded soul Thou whole dost render
And free from ev'ry trace of guilt,
Because the blood of Christ doth cry
For mercy to Thy throne on high.
4 Thy mercies ever contemplating,
My faith shall ne'er to doubt give way,
And though in torments unabating
My sins accuse me night and day,
I shall approach the mercy seat
And find Thy heart with love replete.
5 Be all my ways to Him commended
Whose mercy is a boundless sea.
To Him, until my days are ended,
My troubled heart shall ever flee,
And, by His love and mercy blest,
Find comfort, solace, peace and rest.
6 On this foundation e'er remaining
While in this transient world I dwell,
And mercy every hour obtaining,
I shall not fail its praise to tell,
Until, in blest eternity,
Unfathomed love my song shall be. Topics: The Means of Grace Faith and Justification Languages: English Tune Title: ELBE
My Soul Has Found The Sure Foundation