Author: Paul Gerhardt; Leonard A. Parr, 1880-? Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3756 Meter: D Lyrics: 1. Lift up your hearts, ye people,
In songs of glad accord,
And in your adoration
Praise Christ, your risen Lord.
For He hath won the victory,
O’er sin and death’s dark night,
And filled the gloom and darkness
With resurrection light.
2. Now let the earth be joyful
In springtime’s bright array,
Let hearts downcast and lonely
Rejoice this Easter day;
The grave hast lost its triumph,
And death has lost its sting,
O, sing in exultation
To Christ, your risen King! Languages: English Tune Title: DU MEINE SEELE, SINGE
Lift Up Your Hearts, Ye People