Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #644 (1828) Meter: Irregular Lyrics: 1 I my Ebenezer raise
To my kind Redeemer's praise;
With a grateful heart I own,
Hitherto thy help I've known.
2 What may be my future lot,
Well I know concerns me not;
This should set my heart at rest,
What thy will ordains is best.
3 I my all to thee resign:
Father, let thy will be mine;
May but all thy dealings prove
Fruits of thy paternal love.
4 Guard me, Saviour, by thy pow'r,
Guard me in the trying hour:
Let thy unremitted care
Save me from the lurking snare.
5 Let my few remaining days
Be directed to thy praise;
So the last, the closing scene
Shall be tranquil and serene.
6 To thy will I leave the rest,
Grant me but this one request,
Both in life and death to prove
Tokens of thy special love. Topics: Birthday Scripture: Acts 26:22
I my Ebenezer raise