Hymnal: Voices of Praise #240 (1883) Lyrics: 1 I love the Holy Angels,
So beautiful and bright;
And though I cannot see them,
They're with me day and night:
They watch around my bedside.
They see me at my play;
They know my every action,
They hear the words I say.
2 'Tis God our Heavenly Father,
Who doth the Angels send,
To guard His little children
Until their life shall end.
When we are cross and naughty,
The Holy Angels grieve,
For they are sad when children
The way of goodness leave.
3 And when I die, the Angels
Will bear my soul away,
While here my body resteth
Until the Judgment Day.
They'll bear me gently, softly,
With loving care most sweet,
And lay me down in safety
At my Redeemer's feet.
4 There with the Holy Angels,
And holy men of old,
And all good friends who loved me,
Too many to be told,
Shall I be with the Angels,
And all that people bright,
For ever and for ever,
In God's most glorious light,
5 Among the flowers of Heaven
That never die or fade,
And far more lovely music,
Than here on earth is made,
For ever, ever happy
Together we shall be.
For there our Lord and Saviour
For ever we shall see!
Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: STAINER
I love the Holy Angels