Author: Rev. A. M. Toplady Hymnal: The New Christian Hymnal #127 (1929) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How vast the benefits divine,
Which we in Christ possess!
We're saved from guilt and ev'ry sin,
And called to holiness.
2 'Tis not for works which we have done,
Or shall hereafter do;
But He, of His electing love,
Salvation doth bestow.
3 The glory, Lord, from first to last,
Is due to Thee alone;
Aught to ourselves we dare not take,
Or rob Thee of Thy crown.
4 Our glorious Surety undertook
Redemption's wondrous plan;
And grace was given us in Him,
Before the world began.
5 Safe in the arms of sov'reign love
We ever shall remain;
Nor shall the rage of earth or hell
Make Thy dear councils vain.
6 Not one of all the chosen race
But shall to heav'n attain,
Partake on earth the purposed grace,
And then with Jesus reign.
Topics: Salvation God's Choosing Languages: English Tune Title: AVON
How Vast the Benefits Divine