Hymnal: Laudis Corona #90 (1880) First Line: O magnify the Lord! Lyrics: Chorus:
Glory to God!
Angels hosts are singing,
Israel's Holy One,
Has for us become Mary's Son--
Peace on earth to us bringing.
1 O magnify the Lord!
Break forth in songs my voice,
In my Saviour adored,
My spirit doth rejoice,
While time its course will run,
All ages will proclaim,
What God hath in me done,
And blessed call my name. [Chorus]
2 My lowliness He sought,
On me His eyes He cast,
And in me He has wrought
A wonder unsurpassed!
His mercies to the just
From age to age He shows,
But humbles in the dust
His proud and haughty foes. [Chorus]
3 The mighty ones He spurns,
The humble He receives,
Fills the soul that yearns;
The rich in want He leaves.
To us, for Israel's sake,
His mercies still extend;
For Abram, as he spake,
His love shall never end. [Chorus]
Languages: English Tune Title: [O magnify the Lord!]