Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.LXVIII (1766) Lyrics: 1 Father, I long, I faint to see
The Place of thine Abode;
I'd leave thine earthly Courts, and flee
Up to thy Seat my God!
2 Here I behold thy distant Face,
And 'tis a pleasing Sight;
But to abide in thine Embrace
Is infinite Delight.
3 I'd part with all the Joys of Sense,
To gaze upon thy Throne;
Pleasure springs fresh for ever thence,
Unspeakable, unknown.
[4 There all the heav'nly Hosts are seen,
In shining Ranks they move,
And drink immortal Vigour in
With Wonder, and with Love.
5 Then at thy Feet with awful Fear,
Th' adoring Armies fall;
With Joy they shrink to NOTHING there,
Before th' Eternal ALL.
6 There I would vie with all the Host
In duty and in Bliss;
While LESS THAN NOTHING I could boast,
And VANITY confess.
7 The more thy Glories strike mine Eyes
The humbler I shall lie;
Thus while I sink, my Joys shall rise
Unmeasurably high. Topics: Heaven desired; Humble Worship of Heaven Languages: English
Father, I long, I faint to see