Hymnal: Junior Songs #194 (1892) First Line: Far as east from west is distant Lyrics: 1 Far as east from west is distant
He hath put away our sin;
Like the pity of a Father
Hath the Lord's compassion been,
Well be knows our frame, rememb'ring
We are dust, our days like grass;
Man is like the flower blooming,
Till the hot winds o'er it pass.
2 Then 'tis gone, and is remembered
By its former place no more;
But on them that fear Jehovah
Rests his mercy evermore.
As it was without beginning,
So it lasts without an end;
To their children's children ever,
Shall his righteousness extend.
3 Unto such as keep his cov'nant,
And are steadfast in his way;
Unto those who still remember
His commandments and obey.
In the heavens high, Jehovah
Hath for him prepared a throne,
And throughout his vast dominion
All his works his power shall own.
Languages: English
Psalm CIII