1853 - 1893 Author of "Dear Lord, who once upon the lake" in Hymns of Worship and Service Pease, Theodora Claudius, born at Poughkeepsie, K.Y., 1853; educated at Harvard, and Andover Theo. Seminary, graduating in 1880; ordained to the Congregational ministry 1884; Bartlett Prof, of Sacred Rhetoric and Lecturer on Pastoral Theology 1893,and died the same year. A small memorial vol. containing an essay on the Christian Ministry, Lectures on Homiletics, &c, with Poems and Hymns, was published by Houghton & Mifflin 1894. Of his hymns the following were included in The Pilgrim Hymnal, N.Y., 1904:—
1. Dear Lord, Who once upon the lake. [Peace.] 1890.
2. How blest Thy first disciples, Lord. [Holy Communion.] 1890.
3. Jesus is risen! lift up your glad voices. [Easter.] 1891.
4. Not long on Hermon's holy height. [Visions and Duty.] 1891.
5. O Lord of life, once laid in Joseph's tomb. [Easter.] 1893.
These dates are those of the writing of the hymns. [M. C. Hazard, Ph. D.]
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)
Theodore C. Pease