Author: David Mowbray, b. 1938 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Worship #687 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Come to us, creative Spirit,
in this holy house;
ev'ry human talent hallow,
hidden skills arouse,
that within your earthly temple,
wise and simple may rejoice.
2 Poet, painter, music-maker,
all your treasures bring;
craftsman, actor, graceful dancer,
make your offering;
join your hands in celebration:
let creation shout and sing!
3 Word from God eternal springing,
fill our minds, we pray;
and in all artistic vision
give integrity:
may the flame within us burning
kindle yearning day by day.
4 In all places and forever
glory be expressed
to the Son, with God the Father
and the Spirit blest:
in our worship and our living
keep us striving for the best. Topics: Adoration; Arts, Science; Grief, Sorrow; Worship; Stewardship; Adoration; Arts, Science; Grief, Sorrow; Praise, Thanksgiving; Stewardship; Worship Languages: English Tune Title: CASTLEWOOD
Come to Us, Creative Spirit