Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #220 (1845) Meter: First Line: Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Lyrics: 1 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Honor the means enjoin'd by Thee,
Make good our Apostolic boast,
And own thy glorious ministry.
2 We now thy promis'd presence claim,
Sent to disciple all mankind,
Sent to baptize into thy name,
We now thy promis'd presence find.
3 Father in these reveal thy son,
In these for whom we seek thy face,
Thy pard'ning mercy now make known,
In this, thy sacred means of grace.
4 Jesus, with us Thou always art,
Confirm thy heav'nly washing now,
And through this sacrament impart
The gifts of heav'n, eternal life.
5 Spirit divine, descend from high,
Baptizer of our spirits Thou.
The sacramental seal apply,
And witness with the water now.
6 Oh! that the souls baptiz'd herein,
May now thy truth and mercy feel:
Redeemer! wash away their sin,--
Come, Holy Ghost, their pardon seal! Topics: Means of Grace Baptism Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 Languages: English