Author: Henry I. D. Ryder Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8373 Meter: Lyrics: 1 A Boy is born in Bethlehem,
Joy bringing to Jerusalem.
He lieth in a manger poor
Whose kingdom shall for aye endure.
2 The ox and ass knew and adored
The Infant that was Christ the Lord.
The kings of Saba came to bring
Gold, myrrh and incense to their king.
3 The offspring He of virgin bright,
Made mother by high Heaven’s might.
One after one the cot forlorn
Entering, they hail their prince new born.
4 The serpent’s venom knew Him not,
Though of our blood He chose His lot:
Made like to us in human kin,
Unlike us in respect of sin.
5 That like Him He might make us be,
And with Himself and God agree.
In this birth’s joy let all accord,
And bless for ever Christ the Lord. Languages: English Tune Title: PUER NOBIS NASCITUR
A Boy Is Born In Bethlehem