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Scripture:Genesis 8:14-19

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Arky, Arky

Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Genesis 8 First Line: The Lord told Noah, there's gonna be a floody, floody Refrain First Line: So rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory Lyrics: 1 The Lord told Noah, there's gonna be a floody, floody. Lord told Noah, there's gonna be a floody, floody. Get those animals out of the muddy, muddy, children of the Lord. Refrain: So rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory. Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory. Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory, children of the Lord. 2 The Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky. Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky. Build it out of gopher barky, barky, children of the Lord. (Refrain) 3 The animals, the animals, they came in by twosies, twosies. Animals, the animals, they came in by twosies, twosies, elephants and kangaroosies, roosies, children of the Lord. (Refrain) 4 It rained and poured for forty daysies, daysies. Rained and poured for forty daysies, daysies. Almost drove those animals crazies, crazies, children of the Lord. (Refrain) 5 The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy. (Look, there's the sun!) It dried up the landy, landy. Everything was fine and dandy, dandy, children of the Lord. (Refrain) Topics: Know Old Testament Songs; Songs with Non-Western Roots African-American Used With Tune: [The Lord told Noah, there's gonna be a floody, floody] Text Sources: Traditional

You Are Our God; We Are Your People

Author: David A. Hoekema Meter: Irregular Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Genesis 7, 8 First Line: It rained on the earth forty days, forty nights Topics: Biblical Names and Places Abraham; Biblical Names and Places Isaac; Biblical Names and Places Noah; Biblical Names and Places Rainbow; Biblical Names and Places Sarah; Covenant Faithfulness; Jesus Christ Son of God; Occasional Services Renewal of Baptismal Covenant; Elements of Worship Baptism Used With Tune: JANNA

All good gifts around us

Author: Matthias Claudius, 1740-1815 Meter: D with refrain Appears in 461 hymnals Scripture: Genesis 8:8-22 First Line: We plough the fields, and scatter Lyrics: 1 We plough the fields, and scatter the good seed on the land, but it is fed and watered by God's almighty hand; he sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain, the breezes and the sunshine, and soft refreshing rain. Refrain: All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above; then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for such abounding love. 2 We glorify the maker of everything that is, who gives to us to care for the earth, the air, the seas, who wills that all the peoples might have their daily bread, that we might share our plenty as channels of God's love. [Refrain] 3 We thank you, gracious giver of all things bright and good, the seed-time and the harvest, our life, our health, our food. Help us in our thanksgiving to use your gifts with care, to serve as friends and neighbors your children everywhere. [Refrain] Topics: Harvest; Nature; Providence; Thanksgiving Used With Tune: WIR PFLÜGEN Text Sources: Composite version based on Claudius


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[The Lord told Noah, there's gonna be a floody, floody]

Appears in 5 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Joyce Borger Scripture: Genesis 8 Tune Sources: Traditional Tune Key: C Major Incipit: 35535 56656 5653 Used With Text: Arky, Arky


Meter: Irregular Appears in 6 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: David A. Hoekema Scripture: Genesis 7, 8 Tune Key: D Major Used With Text: You Are Our God; We Are Your People


Meter: D with refrain Appears in 308 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Johann Abraham Peter Schulz, 1747-1800; David Evans, 1874-1948 Scripture: Genesis 8:8-22 Tune Sources: 'Lieder für Volksschulen', Hanover, 1800 Tune Key: A Major Incipit: 51155 31543 21556 Used With Text: All good gifts around us


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Published text-tune combinations (hymns) from specific hymnals

All good gifts around us

Author: Matthias Claudius, 1740-1815 Hymnal: Together in Song #130 (1999) Meter: D with refrain Scripture: Genesis 8:8-22 First Line: We plough the fields, and scatter Lyrics: 1 We plough the fields, and scatter the good seed on the land, but it is fed and watered by God's almighty hand; he sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain, the breezes and the sunshine, and soft refreshing rain. Refrain: All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above; then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for such abounding love. 2 We glorify the maker of everything that is, who gives to us to care for the earth, the air, the seas, who wills that all the peoples might have their daily bread, that we might share our plenty as channels of God's love. [Refrain] 3 We thank you, gracious giver of all things bright and good, the seed-time and the harvest, our life, our health, our food. Help us in our thanksgiving to use your gifts with care, to serve as friends and neighbors your children everywhere. [Refrain] Topics: Harvest; Nature; Providence; Thanksgiving Languages: English Tune Title: WIR PFLÜGEN

God of the Sparrow

Author: Jaroslav J. Vajda (1919-) Hymnal: Common Praise (1998) #414 (1998) Meter: Scripture: Genesis 8:14-19 Topics: Creation; Creation Languages: English Tune Title: ROEDER

Thy Holy Wings

Author: Carolina Sandell-Berg, 1832-1903; Gracia Grindal, b. 1943 Hymnal: With One Voice #741 (1995) Meter: D Scripture: Genesis 8 First Line: Thy holy wings O Savior Topics: Burial; Comfort, Rest; Forgiveness, Healing Languages: English Tune Title: BRED DINA VIDA VINGAR


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David A. Hoekema

b. 1950 Scripture: Genesis 7, 8 Author of "You Are Our God; We Are Your People" in Lift Up Your Hearts David A. Hoekema (b. Paterson, NJ, 1950) is currently a professor of philosophy at his alma mater, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. He received a Ph.D. from Princeton University, taught philosophy at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota (1977-1984), and was executive director of the American Philosophical Association while teaching philosophy at the University of Delaware (1984-1993). In addition to many journal articles on philosophical issues, he has published Rights and Wrongs: Coercion, Punishment and the State (1986). Bert Polman

John L. Bell

b. 1949 Person Name: John Bell Scripture: Genesis 8 Author of "While the earth remains" in Scripture Song Database John Bell (b. 1949) was born in the Scottish town of Kilmarnock in Ayrshire, intending to be a music teacher when he felt the call to the ministry. But in frustration with his classes, he did volunteer work in a deprived neighborhood in London for a time and also served for two years as an associate pastor at the English Reformed Church in Amsterdam. After graduating he worked for five years as a youth pastor for the Church of Scotland, serving a large region that included about 500 churches. He then took a similar position with the Iona Community, and with his colleague Graham Maule, began to broaden the youth ministry to focus on renewal of the church’s worship. His approach soon turned to composing songs within the identifiable traditions of hymnody that began to address concerns missing from the current Scottish hymnal: "I discovered that seldom did our hymns represent the plight of poor people to God. There was nothing that dealt with unemployment, nothing that dealt with living in a multicultural society and feeling disenfranchised. There was nothing about child abuse…,that reflected concern for the developing world, nothing that helped see ourselves as brothers and sisters to those who are suffering from poverty or persecution." [from an interview in Reformed Worship (March 1993)] That concern not only led to writing many songs, but increasingly to introducing them internationally in many conferences, while also gathering songs from around the world. He was convener for the fourth edition of the Church of Scotland’s Church Hymnary (2005), a very different collection from the previous 1973 edition. His books, The Singing Thing and The Singing Thing Too, as well as the many collections of songs and worship resources produced by John Bell—some together with other members of the Iona Community’s “Wild Goose Resource Group,” —are available in North America from GIA Publications. Emily Brink

Matthias Claudius

1740 - 1815 Person Name: Matthias Claudius, 1740-1815 Scripture: Genesis 8:8-22 Author of "All good gifts around us" in Together in Song Claudius, Matthias, son of Matthias Claudius, Lutheran pastor at Reinfeld in Holstein (near Lübeck), was born at Reinfeld, Aug. 15, 1740. An ancestor, who died as a Lutheran pastor in 1586, had Latinized his name, Claus Paulsen, to Claudius Pauli, and his descendants had adopted Claudius as their surname. Claudius entered the University of Jena, in 1759, as a student of theology, but being troubled with an affection of the chest, and finding little attraction in the Rationalism of Jena, he turned his attention to law and languages. After a short visit to Copenhagen, as private secretary to a Danish count, he joined in 1768 the staff of the Hamburg News Agency (Adress-Comptoirnachrichten). Removing to Wandsbeck, near Hamburg, he undertook in 1771 the editing of the literary portion of the Wandsbecker Bote, and contributed a number of his poems to the Göttingen Musen-Almanach. In 1776 he was appointed one of the Commissioners of Agriculture and Manufactures of Hesse-Darmstadt, and in 1777 editor of the official Hesse-Darmstadt newspaper, which he conducted in the same spirit as his Wandsbeck Bote. At Darmstadt he became acquainted with Goethe (then living near by at Frankfurt), and with a circle of freethinking philosophers. During a severe illness in 1777, he realised, however, the spiritual emptiness of the life at Darmstadt; the buried seeds sown in his youth sprang up; and he once more became in faith as a little child. Renouncing position and income, he returned to Wandsbeck to re-edit the Bote, which he conducted in a distinctively Christian spirit. In 1788 he was appointed by the Crown Prince of Denmark auditor of the Scheswig-Holstein Bank at Altona, but continued to reside at Wandsbeck till 1813, when he was forced by the war to flee, and was unable to return till May, 1814. The next year he removed to the house of his eldest daughter in Hamburg, and died there Jan. 21, 1815 (Koch, vi. 417-429; Allg. Deutsche Biographie, iv. 279-281). His fugitive pieces appeared in two parts as Asmus omnia sua secum portans; oder sammtliche Werke des Wandsbecker Bothen, Wandsbeck and Hamburg, 1774 (pt. iii. 1777, iv. 1782, v. 1789, vi. 1797, vii. 1802, viii. 1812). While much of his poetry was distinctively Christian in its spirit, and many of his pieces might rank as popular sacred songs, yet he wrote no hymns designed for use in Church. Three pieces have, however, passed into the German hymn-books, all of which have been translated into English, viz.:— i. Das Grab ist leer, das Grab ist leer. [Easter.] First published in pt. viii., 1812, as above, p. 121, in 10 stanzas. Translated as "The grave is empty now, its prey," by Dr. H. Mills, 1859, printed in Schaff’s Christ in Song, 1870. ii. Der Mond ist aufgegangen. [Evening.] His finest hymn, conceived in a child-like, popular spirit—a companion to the more famous hymn, "Nun ruhen alle Walder " (q. v.). According to tradition it was composed during his residence at Darmstadt, 1762, while walking on the so-called Schnempelweg, a footpath leading by the river-side up to the Odenwald. First published in J. H. Voss's Musen-Almanach, Hamburg, 1770, p. 184, and then in pt. iv., 1782, as above, p. 57, in 7 stanzas of 6 lines. Included as No. 452 in the Oldenburg Gesang-Buch, 1791, as No. 570 in the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1842, and No. 509 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. The only translation in common use is:— The silent moon is risen, good and full, as No. 322, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are:— (1) "The fair moon hath ascended," in the British Magazine, Nov. 1837, p. 518. (2) "The moon on high Is beaming,",by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 105. (3) "The moon hath risen on high," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 229 (1876, p. 231). (4) "The moon up heaven is going," by J. D. Bums, in Family Treasury, 1860, p. 92, repeated in his Memoir, 1869, p. 269. (5) “The moon is upwards climbing," by Miss Manington, 1863, p. 124. (6) "The moon is up in splendour," by E. Massie, 1866, E. 115. (7) "The moon hath risen clear," in Alice Lucas's Trs.from German Poets, 1876, p. 12. (8) "The moon is up and beaming," in Mrs. A. W. Johns's Original Poems and Translations, 1882, p. 61. iii. Im Anfang war's auf Erden. [Harvest.] First published in pt. iv., 1782, as above, p. 42, in 17 stanzas of 4 lines, and chorus (see also G. W. Fink's Musikalischer Hausschatz der Deutschen, Altona, 1860, No. 77). It occurs in a sketch entitled, Paid Erdmann's Fest. The neighbours are represented as coming to Paul's house and there singing this so-called “Peasants' Song," the last four stanzas of which specially relate to the occasion; the stanzas being sung as a solo, and all joining in the chorus. It can hardly be called a hymn, though it has passed into a few German hymnals principally for use in school. Beginning, "Auf! Lasset Gott uns loben," 10 stanzas were included as No. 482 in the Oldenburg G. B., 1791. In T. Fliedner's Liederbuch, Kaiserswerth, 1842, No. 95 begins with stanza vii., "Was nah ist und was feme." The form most popular is that beginning with stanza iii., "Wir pflügen und wir streuen," as in Dr. Wichern's Unsere Lieder, Hamburg, 1844, No. 55, and other collections. Translations in common use:— 1. We plough the fields and scatter, by Miss J. M. Campbell, contributed to the Rev. C. S. Bere's Garland of Songs, Lond., 1861, p. 61 (later eds. p. 27). A free rendering in 3 stanzas of 8 lines, with chorus, entitled, "Thanksgiving for the Harvest." Since its reception into the Appendix to Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1868 (No. 360, ed. 1875, No. 383), it has passed into numerous hymnals in Great Britain, and America. In Thring's Collection, 1882, No. 609, st. iv., "Our souls, Blest Saviour, gather," is an original stanza by Rev. H. Downton, added to supply some distinctly Christian expressions to the hymn, and first published in the Record newspaper in 1875. 2. We plough the fertile meadows. Of this translation there are two forms greatly differing, both ascribed to Dr. S. F. Smith, but whether either form is really by him we have failed to ascertain. What seems to be the original form, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines and chorus, is found in the Methodist Free Church Sunday School Hymns; Curwen's New Child's Own Hymn Book &c. The other form, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines and chorus, is in Allon's Supplemental Hymns; New Congregational Hymn Book, &c. 3. We plough the ground, we sow the seed, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines with chorus, without name of translation, is No. 215 in G. S. Jellicoe's Collection, 1867. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)
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