Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 138 hymnals First Line: How can a sinner know Lyrics: 1 How can a sinner know
His sins on earth forgiven?
How can my Savior show
My name inscribed in Heaven?
What we ourselves have felt, and seen,
With confidence we tell,
And publish to the sons of men
The signs infallible.
2 We who in Christ believe
That He for us hath died,
His unknown peace receive,
And feel His blood applied:
Exults for joy our rising soul,
Disburdened of her load,
And swells, unutterably full
Of glory, and of God.
3 His love, surpassing far
The love of all beneath,
We find within, and dare
The pointless darts of death:
Stronger than death, or sin, or hell,
The mystic power we prove,
And conquerors of the world we dwell
In Heaven, who dwell in love.
4 The pledge of future bliss
He now to us imparts,
His gracious Spirit is
The earnest in our hearts:
We antedate the joys above,
We taste the’ eternal powers,
And know that all those heights of love,
And all those heavens are ours.
5 Till He our life reveal,
We rest in Christ secure:
His Spirit is the seal,
Which made our pardon sure:
Our sins His blood hath blotted out,
And signed our soul’s release:
And can we of His favor doubt,
Whose blood declares us His?
6 We by His Spirit prove
And know the things of God,
The things which of His love
He hath on us bestowed:
Our God to us His Spirit gave,
And dwells in us, we know,
The witness in ourselves we have,
And all His fruits we show.
7 The meek and lowly heart
Which in our Savior was,
He doth to us impart,
And signs us with His cross:
Our nature’s course is turned, our mind
Transformed in all its powers,
And both the witnesses are joined,
The Spirit of God with ours.
8 Whate’er our pardoning Lord
Commands, we gladly do,
And guided by His Word
We all His steps pursue:
His glory is our sole design,
We live our God to please,
And rise with filial fear divine
To perfect holiness. Used With Tune: KENOSIS Text Sources: Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749
How Can A Sinner Know?