Author: Ethel P. Crippen Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7474 First Line: Will Jesus keep me, along life's journey Refrain First Line: Yes, He will keep me, if I but trust Him Lyrics: 1. Will Jesus keep me, along life’s journey,
Thro’ valleys dark, where mists of doubt annoy?
Will Jesus lead me, tho’ dim the pathway,
And with me climb the mountain heights of joy?
Yes, He will keep me, if I but trust Him
Thro’ every trial, without a doubt or fear;
Yes, He will guide me, if I but follow
Each step He leads, till all my path is clear.
2. Will Jesus keep me when all around me
The subtle snares are set to trip my feet?
Will He in mercy walk close beside me,
To whisper words of cheer and counsel sweet? [Refrain]
3. Will Jesus keep me till that bright morning
When I shall reach my Father’s house on high;
To share His glory thro’ endless ages,
While bright and swift the joyous moments fly? [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Will Jesus keep me, along life's journey]
Will Jesus Keep Me?