Author: Osgood Eaton Fuller Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11580 Lyrics: 1 This is the winter morn,
Our Savior, Christ, was born,
Who left the realms of endless day,
To take our sins away.
Have ye no carol for the Lord,
To spread His love, His love abroad?
Have ye no carol for the Lord,
To spread His love, His love abroad?
Hosanna! from all our hearts we raise,
Hosanna! Hosanna!
And make our lives His praise.
2 Ring, ring, O happy bells!
A blessèd angel tells
The story of His humble birth,
Who came this day to earth.
Have ye no carol for the Lord,
To spread His love, His love abroad?
Have ye no carol for the Lord,
To spread His love, His love abroad?
Hosanna! from all our hearts we pour,
Hosanna! Hosanna!
And bless Him evermore.
3 The shepherds vigil keep
And watch by night their sheep;
Upon the plains of Bethlehem
What glory comes to them!
Have ye from Heav’n no glory felt,
Who all, who all in prayer have knelt?
Have ye from Heav’n no glory felt,
Who all, who all in prayer have knelt?
Hosanna! in all our hearts is light,
Hosanna! Hosanna!
God’s worship is delight.
4 All in the lowly place
They find the royal grace,
And lo! they fall a-worshipping
Before the newborn King.
Have ye no worship for the Lord,
To give, to give with one accord?
Have ye no worship for the Lord,
To give, to give with one accord?
Hosanna! in all our hearts we bring,
Hosanna! Hosanna!
Our lives our offering.
5 Their grateful hearts are full
Of things most beautiful;
And lo! the wonder of the Lord
They straightway spread abroad.
Have ye no beauty of the Christ
Whose love, whose love has long sufficed?
Have ye no beauty of the Christ
Whose love, whose love has long sufficed?
Hosanna! from all our hearts we raise,
Hosanna! Hosanna!
And carry hence His praise. Languages: English Tune Title: [This is the winter morn]
This Is The Winter Morn