Author: E. R. Latta Hymnal: The Gospel Awakening #172 (1888) First Line: There's a place above all others Lyrics: 1. There's a place above all others,
Where my spirit loves to be!
'Tis within the Sacred shadow
Of the cross of Calvary!
In the shadow of the cross,
In the shadow of the cross,
There my spirit loves to be,
In the shadow of the cross.
2. On the cross my Saviour suffered,
That He might atone for me!
And I love the blessed shadow
Of the cross of Calvary! [Chorus]
3. When my heart is full of trouble,
Then I love on bended knee
To approach Him in the shadow
Of the cross of Calvary! [Chorus]
4. Blessed Saviour, Thou wilt hear me,
When I make my earnest plea,
If I kneel within the shadow
Of the cross of Calvary! [Chorus] Tune Title: [There's a place above all others]
In the Shadow of the Cross