Author: Eben Eugene Rexford Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15281 Refrain First Line: While sweetly o’er Judea’s plains Lyrics: 1 The bells are ringing clear and sweet
Beneath adoring angel feet,
And in our hearts this Christmas day
Let strife and discord die away;
For, in a manger poor and low
Was born the Christ Child years ago,
And wise men in a land afar
Were told the tidings by a star.
While sweetly o’er Judea’s plains
Rang out the glad, exultant strains,
Exultant strains
Which angels sing on Christmas still,
Of peace on earth, to men good will,
To men good will.
2 O Christ Child, in a manger born!
The stars sang on Thy birthday morn;
While cradled on Thy mother’s breast,
The shepherds sought Thy place of rest.
Heav’ns peace abides upon the earth
In honor of Thy lowly birth;
For Thou hast died for us and them
Who hailed Thee king in Bethlehem. [Refrain]
3 O song which never shall grow old,
Down all the coming ages rolled!
O Christ Child, born a cross to bear,
That we at last a crown may wear!
Let us like shepherds at Thy feet
Bring low, as tribute, offerings meet,
And worship there while angels sing
In praise of Jesus Christ, our king. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [The bells are ringing clear and sweet]
The Bells Are Ringing Clear And Sweet