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Tune Identifier:"^st_nicholas_greene$"

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O Thou My Soul, Bless God the Lord

Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5395 Meter: Lyrics: 1. O thou my soul, bless God the Lord; And all that in me is Be stirrèd up His holy name To magnify and bless. 2. Bless, O my soul, the Lord thy God, And not forgetful be Of all His gracious benefits He hath bestowed on thee. 3. Such pity as a father hath And shows his children dear, Like pity shows the Lord to such As worship Him in fear. 4. Yea, unto them that fear the Lord His mercy never ends; And to their children’s children still His righteousness extends. 5. To such as keep His covenant Nor from it go astray, Who His commandments bear in mind And faithfully obey. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. NICHOLAS (Greene)

To God I Cried with Mournful Voice

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6572 Meter: Lyrics: 1. To God I cried with mournful voice, I sought His gracious ear, In the sad day when troubles rose, And filled the night with fear. 2. Sad were my days, and dark my nights, My soul refused relief; I thought on God the just and wise, But thoughts increased my grief. 3. Still I complained, and still oppressed, My heart began to break; My God, Thy wrath forbade my rest, And kept my eyes awake. 4. My overwhelming sorrows grew, Till I could speak no more; Then I within myself withdrew, And called Thy judgments o’er. 5. I called back years and ancient times When I beheld Thy face; My spirit searched for secret crimes That might withhold Thy grace. 6. I called Thy mercies to my mind Which I enjoyed before; And will the Lord no more be kind? His face appear no more? 7. Will He for ever cast me off? His promise ever fail? Has He forgot His tender love? Shall anger still prevail? 8. But I forbid this hopeless thought; This dark, despairing frame, Rememb’ring what Thy hand hath wrought; Thy hand is still the same. 9. I’ll think again of all Thy ways, And talk Thy wonders o’er; Thy wonders of recovering grace, When flesh could hope no more. 10. Grace dwells with justice on the throne; And men that love Thy Word Have in Thy sanctuary known The counsels of the Lord. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. NICHOLAS (Greene)
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O thou, my soul, bless God the Lord

Hymnal: The Hymnal #16a (1950) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O thou my soul, bless God the Lord; And all that in me is Be stirred up His holy Name To magnify and bless. 2 Bless, O my soul, the Lord thy God, And not forgetful be Of all His gracious benefits He hath bestowed on thee: 3 All thine iniquities who doth Most graciously forgive; Who thy diseases all and pains Doth heal, and thee relieve: 4 Who doth redeem thy life, that thou To death mayst not go down; Who thee with loving-kindness doth And tender mercies crown: 5 Who with abundance of good things Doth satisfy thy mouth; So that, even as the eagle’s age, Renewed is thy youth. Amen. Topics: Adoration; Gratitude; Thanksgiving; Worship Adoration Scripture: Psalm 103 Tune Title: ST. NICHOLAS
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O thou my soul, bless God the Lord

Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #97 (1961) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O thou my soul, bless God the Lord; And all that in me is Be stirred up his holy Name To magnify and bless. 2 Bless, O my soul, the Lord thy God, And not forgetful be Of all his gracious benefits He hath bestowed on thee. 3 Such pity as a Father hath And shows his children dear, Like pity shows the Lord to such As worship him in fear. 4 Yea, unto them that fear the Lord His mercy never ends; And to their children's children still His righteousness extends; 5 To such as keep his covenant Nor from it go astray, Who his commandments bear in mind And faithfully obey. Amen. Topics: Covenant of Grace; God Compassion of ; God Fatherhood of; God Love and Grace of; God Mercy of; God Pity of Scripture: Psalm 103:1-4 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. NICHOLAS

We'll to God's tabernacles go

Hymnal: The Book of Praise #117a (1918) Meter: Topics: The Church Pastors and Teachers Scripture: Psalm 132:7-9 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. NICHOLAS
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When Israel, by divine command

Author: John Newton (1725-1807) Hymnal: The Oxford Hymn Book #321 (1920) Languages: English Tune Title: ST. NICHOLAS (PROVIDENCE)

The Complaint Of Nature

Author: Michael Bruce, 1746-1767 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9227 Meter: First Line: Few are thy days, and full of woe Lyrics: 1 Few are thy days, and full of woe, O man of woman born! Thy doom is written, "Dust thou art, And shalt to dust return." 2 Determined are the days that fly Successive o’er thy head; The numbered hour is on the wing, That lays thee with the dead. 3 Alas! the little day of life Is shorter than a span; Yet black with thousand hidden ills To miserable man. 4 Gay is thy morning; flattering hope Thy sprightly step attends; But soon the tempest howls behind, And then dark night descends. 5 Before its splendid hour, the cloud Comes o’er the beam of light: A pilgrim in a weary land, Man tarries but a night. 6 Behold! sad emblem of thy state, The flowers that paint the field; Or trees, that crown the mountain’s brow, And boughs and blossoms yield. 7 When chill the blast of winter blows, Away the summer flies, The flowers resign their sunny robes, And all their beauty dies. 8 Nipped by the year, the forest fades; And, shaking to the wind, The leaves toss to and fro, and streak The wilderness behind. 9 The winter past, reviving flowers Anew shall paint the plain; The woods shall hear the voice of spring, And flourish green again: 10 But man departs this earthly scene, Ah! never to return! No second spring shall e’er revive The ashes of the urn. 11 The inexorable doors of death, What hand can e’er unfold? Who from the cerements of the tomb Can raise the human mould? 12 The mighty flood that rolls along Its torrents to the main, The waters lost can ne’er recall From that abyss again. 13 The days, the years, the ages, dark Descending down to night, Can never, never be redeemed Back to the gates of light. 14 So man departs the living scene, To night’s perpetual gloom; The voice of morning ne’er shall break The slumbers of the tomb. 15 Where are our fathers? whither gone The mighty men of old? The patriarchs, prophets, princes, kings, In sacred books enrolled? 16 Gone to the resting place of man, The everlasting home, Where ages past have gone before, Where future ages come. 17 Thus Nature poured the wail of woe, And urged her earnest cry; Her voice in agony extreme Ascended to the sky. 18 The Almighty heard; then from His throne In majesty He rose; And from the heav’n, that opened wide, His voice in mercy flows. 19 "When mortal man resigns his breath, And falls a clod of clay, The soul immortal wings its flight To never setting day. 20 "Prepared of old for wicked men The bed of torment lies; The just shall enter into bliss Immortal in the skies." Languages: English Tune Title: ST. NICHOLAS

Lo! in the last of days be­hold

Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #16117 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lo! in the last of days be­hold A faith­less race arise; Their law­less lust their on­ly rule; And thus the scof­fer cries: 2 “Where is the pro­mise, deemed so true, That spoke the Sav­ior near? E’er since our fa­thers slept in dust, No change has reached our ear. 3 "Years rolled on years suc­cess­ive glide, Since first the world be­gan, And on the tide of time still floats, Secure, the bark of man." 4 Thus speaks the scof­fer; but his words Conceal the truth he knows, That from the wa­ters’ dark abyss The earth at first arose. 5 But when the sons of men be­gan With one con­sent to stray, At Heav’n’s com­mand a del­uge swept The god­less race away. 6 A dif­fer­ent fate is now pre­pared For na­ture’s trem­bling frame; Soon shall her orbs be all en­wrapt In one de­vour­ing flame. 7 Reserved are sin­ners for the hour When to the gulf be­low, Armed with the hand of so­ve­reign power, The Judge con­signs His foe. 8 Though now, ye just! the time ap­pears Protracted, dark, un­known, An hour, a day, a thou­sand years, To Hea­ven’s great Lord are one. 9 Still all may share His so­ve­reign grace, In ev­ery change se­cure; The meek, the sup­pli­ant con­trite race, Shall find His mer­cy sure. 10 The con­trite race He counts His friends, Forbids the sup­pli­ant’s fall; Condemns re­luct­ant, but ex­tends The hope of grace to all. 11 Yet as the night-wrapped thief who lurks To seize th’ex­pect­ed prize, Thus steals the hour when Christ shall come, And thun­der rend the skies. 12 Then at the loud, the so­lemn peal, The heav’ns shall burst away; The el­ements shall melt in flame, At na­ture’s fi­nal day. 13 Since all this frame of things must end, As Heav’n has so de­creed, How wise our in­most thoughts to guard, And watch ov­er ev­ery deed; 14 Expecting calm th’ap­point­ed hour, When, na­ture’s con­flict o’er, A new and bet­ter world shall rise, Where sin is known no more. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. NICHOLAS

Boed mawl i'r Sanctaidd yn y nef (Praise to the Holiest in the height)

Author: J. H. N.; D. H. Hymnal: Mawl a chân = praise and song #5 (1952) Languages: Welsh Tune Title: ST. NICHOLAS

O send your light forth and your truth

Hymnal: The Australian Hymn Book with Catholic Supplement #348 (1977) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 43:3-5 Tune Title: ST NICHOLAS


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