Hymnal: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P17 (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear the right, regard my cry,
unto my prayer give heed,
that doth not in hypocrisy
from feigned lips proceed.
2 And from before thy presence let
my judgment come to me;
turn thou thine eyes to upright things,
look thou on equity.
3 My heart thou provest, and by night
dost visit and me try,
but findest nought; for my intent
my mouth doth not belie.
4 As for men’s works, I, by the word
that from thy lips doth flow,
have kept myself out of the paths
wherein destroyers go.
5 Hold up my goings, Lord, me guide
in those thy paths divine,
so that my footsteps may not slide
out of those ways of thine.
6 I called have on thee, O God,
because thou wilt me hear:
that thou may’st hearken to my speech,
to me incline thine ear.
7 Thy wondrous loving-kindness show,
thou that, by thy right hand,
sav’st them that trust in thee from those
that up against them stand.
8 As the apple of the eye me keep;
in thy wings' shade me hide
9 from wasting deadly foes, who me
beset on every side.
10 In their own fat they are inclosed;
their mouth speaks loftily.
11 Our steps they compass, and to earth
down bowing set their eye.
12 He like unto a lion is
that’s greedy of his prey,
or lion young, which lurking doth
in secret places stay.
13 Arise, and disappoint my foe,
and cast him down, O Lord:
and from the wicked man my soul
deliver by thy sword.
14 From worldly men, Lord, by thy hand
let me delivered be,
who only in this present life
their part and portion see;
Whom with thy treasure thou dost fill:
they many sons receive;
and of their great abundance they
unto their children leave.
15 But as for me, I thine own face
in righteousness will see;
And with thy likeness, when I wake,
I satisfied shall be. Scripture: Psalm 17 Languages: English Tune Title: ST BERNARD
Lord, hear the right, regard my cry