Author: John Chandler; Ambrose, d. 397 Hymnal: Church Book #21 (1890) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O Jesus, Lord of heavenly grace,
Thou Brightness of Thy Father's face,
Thou Fountain of eternal light,
Whose beams disperse the shades of night!
2 Come, holy Sun of heavenly love,
Shower down Thy radiance from above;
And to our inward hearts convey
The Holy Spirit's cloudless ray.
3 And we the Father's help will claim,
And sing the Father's glorious Name:
His powerful succor we implore,
That we may stand, to fall no more.
4 May He our actions deign to bless,
And loose the bonds of wickedness;
From sudden falls our feet defend,
And guide us safely to the end.
5 May faith, deep-rooted in the soul,
The flesh subdue, the mind control:
May guile depart, and discord cease,
And all within be joy and peace.
6 O hallowed thus be every day!
Let meekness be our morning ray,
And faithful love our noonday light,
And hope our sunset, calm and bright.
7 O Christ, with each returning morn,
Thine image to our hearts is borne:
O may we ever clearly see
Our Saviour and our God in Thee!
Topics: Worship General Petitions; Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity Languages: English Tune Title: SPLENDOR PATERNAE GLORIAE
O Jesus, Lord of heavenly grace