Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11166 Meter: Lyrics: 1 God! the eternal, awful name
That the whole heav’nly army fears,
That shakes the wide creation’s frame,
And Satan trembles when he hears.
2 Like flames of fire His servants are,
And light surrounds His dwelling place;
But, O ye fiery flames! declare
The brighter glories of His face.
3 ’Tis not for such poor worms as we
To speak so infinite a thing;
But your immortal eyes survey
The beauties of your sovereign king.
4 Tell how He shows His smiling face,
And clothes all Heav’n in bright array;
Triumph and joy run through the place,
And songs eternal as the day.
5 Speak, for you feel His burning love,
What zeal it spreads through all your frame;
That sacred fire dwells all above,
For we on earth have lost the name.
6 Sing of His power and justice too,
That infinite right hand of His
That vanquished Satan and his crew,
And thunder drove them down from bliss.
7 What mighty storms of poisoned darts
Were hurled upon the rebels there!
What deadly javelins nailed their hearts
Fast to the racks of long despair!
8 Shout to your king, ye heav’nly host,
You that beheld the sinking foe;
Firmly ye stood when they were lost:
Praise the rich grace that kept you so.
9 Proclaim His wonders from the skies,
Let every distant nation hear;
And while you sound His lofty praise,
Let humble mortals bow and fear.
Languages: English Tune Title: SALISBURY
God! The Eternal, Awful Name