Hymnal: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P45a (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 My heart brings forth a goodly thing;
my words that I indite
concern the King: my tongue’s a pen
of one that swift doth write.
2 Thou fairer art than sons of men:
into thy lips is store
Of grace infused; God therefore thee
hath blessed for evermore.
3 O thou that art the mighty One,
thy sword gird on thy thigh;
even with thy glory excellent,
and with thy majesty.
4 For meekness, truth, and righteousness,
ride prosperously in state;
and thee thine own right hand shall teach
things terrible and great.
5 Thine arrows sharply pierce the heart
of the enemies of the King;
and under thy dominion they
the people down do bring.
6 For ever and for ever is,
O God, thy throne of might;
the sceptre of thy kingdom is
a sceptre that is right.
7 Thou lovest right and hatest ill;
hence God, thy God, even he
above thy fellows hath with oil
of joy anointed thee.
8 Of aloes, myrrh, and cassia
a smell thy garments had,
out of the ivory palaces,
whereby they made thee glad.
9 Among thy women honourable
kings’ daughters were at hand:
upon thy right hand did the queen
in gold of Ophir stand.
10 O daughter, hearken and regard,
and do thine ear incline;
likewise forget thy father’s house,
and people that are thine.
11 And so thy beauty by the King
greatly desired shall be;
because his is thy Lord, do thou
him worship reverently.
12 The daughter there of Tyre shall be
with gifts and offerings great:
those of the people that are rich
thy favour shall entreat.
13 Behold, the daughter of the King
all glorious is within;
and with embroideries of gold
her garments wrought have been.
14 She shall be brought unto the King
in robes with needle wrought;
her fellow-virgins following
shall unto thee be brought.
15 They shall be brought with gladness great,
and mirth on every side,
into the palace of the King,
and there they shall abide.
16 Thy fathers' place thy sons shall fill
whom thou to thee shalt take,
and in all places of the earth
them noble princes make.
17 Thy name remembered I will make
through ages all to be:
the people therefore evermore
shall praises give to thee. Scripture: Psalm 45 Languages: English Tune Title: PRAETORIUS
My heart brings forth a goodly thing