Author: Edward Traill Horn III, b. 1909; Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #122b (1958) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord;
Be all thy gifts in plenty poured
To save, to strengthen and make whole
Each ready mind, each waiting soul.
2 O, by the brightness of thy light
In holy faith all men unite,
And to thy praise, by every tongue,
In every land, our hymn be sung. A-men.
3 O strong Defence, O holy Light!
That we may know our God aright,
And call him Father from the heart,
The word of life and truth impart.
4 Make us to trust in God alone,
And Jesus for our Master own,
His yoke and teaching ne'er to change
For other doctrines new and strange.
5 O sacred Ardor, Comfort sweet!
Make willing hearts and ready feet
That, come what may, in storm and test
We answer only thy behest.
6 O quicken us with all thy powers,
Make strong our faith in weaker hours,
That, as good Christians in the strife,
We turn to thee in death and life.
Amen. Topics: The Church Year Pentecost - The Holy Ghost; The Church Worship - In The Presence Tune Title: PIXHAM
Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord