Author: Edward H. Plumptre, 1821-1891 Hymnal: Lutheran Book of Worship #431 (1978) Meter: D Lyrics: 1 Your hand, O Lord, in days of old
Was strong to heal and save;
It triumphed over pain and death,
O'er darkness and the grave.
To You they came, the blind, the dumb,
The palsied and the lame,
The lepers in their misery,
The sick with fevered frame.
2 And lo, your touch brought life and health,
Gave speech and strength and sight;
And youth renewed and frenzy calmed
Revealed you, Lord of light.
And now, O Lord, be near to bless,
Almighty as before,
In crowded streets, by beds of pain,
As by Gennes'ret's shore.
3 Oh, be our great deliverer still,
O Lord of life and death;
Restore and quicken, soothe and bless,
With Your life giving breath.
To hands that work and eyes that see
Give wisdom's healing pow'r,
That whole and sick and weak and strong
May praise you evermore. Topics: Society; Pentecost 21 (Year C); Healing; Society Languages: English Tune Title: OLD 107TH
Your Hand, O Lord, in Days of Old