Author: Ludämilia Elisabeth, 1640-72; August Crull, 1845-1923 Hymnal: Christian Worship (1993) #348 (1993) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Jesus, only Jesus
Can my heartfelt longing still.
Lo, I pledge myself to Jesus,
What he wills alone to will,
For my heart, which he hath filled,
Ever cries, "Lord, as thou wilt."
2 One there is for whom I'm living,
Whom I love most tenderly;
Unto Jesus I am giving
What in love he gave to me.
Jesus' blood hides all my guilt--
Lord, oh, lead me as thou wilt.
3 What to me may seem a treasure
But displeasing is to thee --
Oh, remove such harmful pleasure;
Give instead what profits me.
Let my heart by thee be stilled;
Make me thine, Lord, as thou wilt.
4 Let me earnestly endeavor
Thy good pleasure to fulfill;
In me, through me, with me ever,
Lord, accomplish thou thy will.
In thy holy image built,
Let me die, Lord, as thou wilt.
5 Jesus, constant be my praises,
For thou unto me didst bring
Thine own self and all thy graces
That I joyfully may sing:
Be it unto me, my Shield,
As thou wilt, Lord, as thou wilt. Topics: Redeemer; Redeemer Languages: English Tune Title: JESUS, JESUS, NICHTS ALS JESUS
Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus