Author: Maggie Stratton Hymnal: Timeless Truths #732 Meter: D with refrain First Line: Holy Bible, how I love it! Refrain First Line: Holy Bible, how I love thee! Lyrics: 1 Holy Bible, how I love it!
How it doth my bosom cheer,
When through trials and temptations
It has always been so near!
It will surely guide my footsteps
In the strait and narrow way,
If in trust I read its contents,
If I always watch and pray.
Holy Bible, how I love thee!
Safest guide through this dark world;
Holy Bible, how I love thee!
See its banner now unfurled.
2 As I walk this narrow pathway
That will lead to endless rest,
In the arms of my Redeemer,
With my head upon His breast,
I cannot enough be thankful
For the love He showed to me,
When He bore my sins of crimson
In His body on the tree. [Refrain]
3 From the state of condemnation,
Pride, and all formality,
And from selfish exaltation,
Through Christ’s word and blood I’m free;
Blessed Bible! what a comfort!
Its dear pages shine so bright;
’Tis the way from earth to heaven—
I am walking in its light. [Refrain]
4 When old earth shall cease to travel,
And when time shall be no more,
With our loved ones we will gather
Over on the other shore,
Where all sorrow will be over,
Where all tears are wiped away,
Where with angel voices blending
We shall sing in endless day. [Refrain] Topics: Bible/Word Scripture: John 16:13 Tune Title: [Holy Bible, how I love it!]
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