Author: Rev. E. A. Bradley Hymnal: The Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged, as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892 #595a (1894) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Turned by Thy grace, I look within
My restless soul, nor knew till now
The stains I bear, the wounds my sin
Has scarred upon my Saviour's brow.
2 The sight afflicts my guilty soul:
My conscience cries and spares me not.
Grief's bitter waves now o'er me roll:
Tears flow that cannot cleanse one spot.
3 O God, my God, I see my sin:
I crucified the Lord of love.
Wormwood and gall I gave to Him;
And sorely grieved God's holy Dove.
4 Turned back and won by grace so free,
My sin confessed I'll ne'er repeat:
Converted now, my aim shall be
To tread the prints of Christ's dear feet.
5 The wrong my sin has done, confessed,
Return four-fold shall now make right.
My soul shall then by God be blest
Through Christ's atonement in His sight.
6 Forgiveness for the wrongs done me,
With my whole heart I freely give;
'Tis only so that there can be
Pardon from Christ and grace to live.
7 My sin thus seen, wept o'er confest,
Turned from and loathed as paining Thee,
As Thou forgiv'st, O Saviour blest,
Is pardoned, cleansed! My soul is free.
Topics: Parochial Missions; Penitence Languages: English Tune Title: [Turned by Thy grace, I look within]
Turned by Thy grace, I look within