Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #408 (1961) Meter: Lyrics: 1 In thy wrath and hot displeasure,
Chasten not thy servant, Lord;
Let thy mercy, without measure,
Help and peace to me afford.
2 Heavy is my tribulation,
Sore my punishment has been;
Broken by thine indignation,
I am troubled by my sin.
3 With my burden of transgression
Heavy laden, overborne,
Humbled low I make confession,
For my folly now I mourn.
4 Weak and wounded, I implore thee;
Lord, to me thy mercy show;
All my pray'r is now before thee,
All my trouble thou dost know.
5 Darkness gathers, foes assail me,
But I answer not a word;
All my friends desert and fail me,
Only thou my cry hast heard.
6 Lord, in thee am I confiding;
Thou wilt answer when I call,
Lest my foes, the good deriding,
Triumph in thy servant's fall.
7 Lord, my God, do not forsake me,
Let me know that thou art near,
Under thy protection take me,
As my Saviour now appear.
Amen. Topics: Adversaries; Christian Life Repentance; God Mercy of; Heart Contrite; Trust in God Scripture: Psalm 38 Languages: English Tune Title: ALICE
In thy wrath and hot displeasure