Hymnal: The Southern Harmony, and Musical Companion (New ed. thoroughly rev. and much enl.) #1 (1854) Meter: Lyrics:
Young people all, attention give,
And hear what I shall say;
I wish your souls with Christ to live,
In everlasting day.
Remember you are hast'ning on
To death's dark, gloomy shade;
Your joys on earth will soon be gone,
Your flesh in dust be laid.
Death's iron gate you must pass through,
Ere long, my dear young friends;
With whom then do you think to go,
With saints or fiery fiends?
Pray meditate before too late,
While in a gospel land,
Behold King Jesus at the gate,
Most lovingly doth stand.
Young men, how can you turn your face
From such a glorious friend;
Will you pursue your dangerous ways?
O don't you fear the end?
Will you pursue that dangerous road
Which leads to death and hell?
Will you refuse all peace with God,
With devils for to dwell?
Young women too, what will you do,
If out of Christ you die?
From all God's people you must go,
To weep, lament, and cry:
Where you the least relief can't find,
To mitigate your pain;
Your good things all be left behind,
Your souls in death remain.
Young people all, I pray then view
The fountain opened wide;
The spring of life opened for sin,
Which flowed from Jesus' side;
There you may drink in endless joy,
And reign with Christ your king,
In his glad notes your souls employ,
And hallelujahs sing.
Languages: English Tune Title: LIVERPOOL
Young people all, attention give