Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns #CXCVIII (1792) First Line: Ye prisoners of hope Lyrics: 1 Ye prisoners of hope
O'erwhelmed with grief,
To Jesus look up
For certain relieve;
There's not condemnation
In Jesus the Lord,
But strong consolation
His grace doth afford.
2 Should justice appear
A merciless foe,
Yet be of good cheer,
And soon shall you know
That sinners confessing
Their wickedness past,
A plentiful blessing
Of pardon shall taste.
3 The dry up your tears,
Ye children of grief,
For Jesus appears
To give you relief;
If you are returning
To Jesus your friend,
Your sighing and morning
In singing shall end.
4 "None will I cast out
"Who come," saith the Lord,
Why then do you doubt?
Lay hold of his word:
Ye mourners of Sion,
Be bold to believe,
For ever rely on
Your Savior and live. Topics: Characters and Representations of Christ Stronghold; Christ Strong hold Scripture: Zechariah 9:12 Languages: English