Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre #PXLVIIb (1758) Lyrics: 1 Ye people all abroad!
clap hands and voices raise
In honour to our GOD,
and loudly sing his praise.
2 The LORD most high
a dreadful King,
rules ev'ry thing
With majesty.
3 Whose nations of our foes
beneath our feet has thrown:
4 A fair possession chose
for us who are his own:
The dignity
of Israel
belov'd so well
By the most High (Selah)
5 GOD is gone up on high,
The LORD with trumpets sound,
With shouts triumphantly:
6 O praise our GOD renown'd:
His praises sing,
yea loudly raise
your voice to praise
Our sov'reign king.
7 For GOD is sov'reign King
of all the spacious earth:
With understanding sing
his praise with sacred mirth:
8 GOD reigns alone,
the nations stills;
GOD sits, and fills
His holy throne.
9 The princes gath'red are,
the princes of all lands,
And people far and near
whom Abr'ham's God commands:
The shields of all
The earth abroad
belong to GOD;
Him high extol! Scripture: Psalm 47 Languages: English
Ye people all abroad