Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Hymnal: Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #220 (1969) First Line: Worthy, O Lord, art Thou Lyrics: 1 Worthy, O Lord, art Thou
That every knee should bow,
Every tongue to Thee confess,
Universal nature join
Strong and mighty Thee to bless,
Gracious, merciful, benign.
2 Jesus, Thou art my King,
To me Thy succor bring;
Christ the mighty One art Thou,
Help for all on Thee is laid;
This Thy promise claim I now,
Send me down the promised aid.
3 Triumph and reign in me,
And spread Thy victory;
Sin, and death, and hell control,
Pride, and self, and ever foe—
All subdue, through all my soul
Conquering and to conquer go. Topics: God the Son Praise and Adoration of Christ Languages: English Tune Title: FREYLINGHAUSEN
Worthy, O Lord, Art Thou